


having no father because he is dead or absent from the home.

Today this word describes this little girl. Looking up, smiling, but not knowing that one day she would find herself Fatherless.

As I sat this morning listening to the playlist I created to play at my Dad’s home going there’s so many raw emotions. Questions. Being Fatherless has a new meaning to me than it ever did before.

God in spite of it all I’m Thankful. Thankful for the life I have lived because Philip Wayne was a part of it. Thankful for every piece of advise. Thankful for the love he poured into his children and grandchildren. Thankful for his willingness to always provide whatever resources Mya needed for college. Thankful for the summer getaways to just enjoy family. Lastly, I’m Thankful for the good that has come and will come out of this.

I miss you immensely, especially today as we recognize that a year ago today you succumbed to COVID-Pneumonia. Everything connected to this pandemic reminds me of you and how hard you fought. Continue to rest well daddy. I miss you 🖤






Thankful Through it All