Eating And Living Well With Dalya LLC

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Hit the reset!

Hello July! We’ve just about completed the first week of July. We’re in the last 6 months of the year and boy did that go fast! It’s a great time to reflect and set some things in motion for the latter half of the year. I’m committed to work on my physical health and finish the year strong. Yes, I’d like to lose some weight, but more than that I want to feel better. I spent much of the first half of the year navigating through emotional and mental health and I’m still doing that, but I want to move more and feel good as I do it. It’s time to hit the reset!

Hitting the reset takes courage and consistency. We all have areas in our lives that could use a new start. There’s clutter, brain fog, burn out, and so many other things in our lives that can use a reset. One sure way to restart, reboot, readjust and recalibrate our lives is through habit change. Yeah, old habits may be hard to break, but once you make up in your mind that it needs to happen the rewards can be endless.

On this #FaceitFridayswithDalya I want to encourage you to slow down, take inventory of your life, your job, your relationships, and your families. Where can you use a reset and how can you accomplish it? A few suggestions and questions as you consider this.

  1. Look at your habits. Good and bad. Which ones can you change that will bring you more peace, joy and stability?

  2. Who and what are you surrounding yourself with. Who’s your tribe? What are you reading and listening to?

  3. What’s your morning routine or before you go to bed at night? Do you pray, meditate, practice stillness? What are you drinking? 👀 Talking to myself🤦🏽‍♀️ Do you exercise? I like to call it movement. Are you moving consistently?

  4. Do you create healthy boundaries for yourself? What are you allowing to impact you emotionally and mentally?

  5. Are you getting enough rest?

Let’s hit the reset! I’m making a commitment to do it this month. Walking into the last 6 months of the year being intentional about my physical, emotional and mental health all as I recalibrate.

Talk to the people in your life and see what ways they can go on this journey with you. Having an accountability partner will help you stay on track. It could be a hard conversation to have because sometimes we don’t like change, but you’re worth it. You owe it to yourself to be good to you. If you don’t have someone to hold you accountable pick me 🙋🏽‍♀️ I could use your help. We’re in this together! Let’s continue #NormalizingHardConversations because they make us better. Accountability and showing up for yourself can be a difficult topic to share with those we surround ourselves with. It’s definitely a necessary one. Our households, our jobs and our communities can all benefit from a reboot. Let’s slow down. Pause. Reflect and yes hit the reset!

I love y’all and I want you to thrive and end the year strong! We got this!👊🏽



Doing all things well,
