It’s great to be back!
Hey y’all!
I’ve taken a break to just take care of me. I’ve traveled. Taken more moments of stillness and just sitting with myself. I’ve stepped away from my 33 year career to focus on my health. Not just physical, but all of me. I purchased a dog. A handsome little, soon to be big, Goldendoodle to help me conquer moments of grief, anxiety and depression. I’ve been on a sabbatical of sorts navigating through all the feels.
I have missed you! Cooking for you. Encouraging you. Empowering you. Affirming you and seeing you. Seeing you in a way that acknowledges who you are and what you contribute and bring to the world.
Well I’m back! I’m stronger and I’d like to think wiser. Life has an interesting way of going on, sometimes very rapidly, even when you slow down. I don’t feel like I need to catch up, but from this moment take what I’ve gained over these last few months and go forward empowered to do the work. The work it takes to follow my dreams. The work it takes to be a better me emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Truth is we all have work to do. I’m praying in the coming months and years I can help you navigate the hard things like I’ve taken the time to do. I’ve made some progress, but I certainly acknowledge I have a ways to go. Sometimes it takes community to get it done and I’m here for it!
Stay tuned for “Normalizing Hard Conversations”. One thing I’ve discovered is there are conversations we need to have with family, coworkers, friends, spouses/partners, children, parents or with anyone you have a relationship with. In having those conversations we should also create safe spaces for them to take place. It is my life’s work to create that space and a soft place to land. To allow those of you who are willing to do the work an opportunity to come along with me on a journey to Wellness. To be well emotionally, physically and spiritually takes work. The reward of that work is transformative.
We owe it to ourselves to Eat and Live Well!
Doing all things well,